Pokémon Sword / Shield: The Crown Tundra Bundle
Pokémon Sword / Shield: The Crown Tundra DLC Bundle
Get all the new and returning Pokémon available with the release of The Crown Tundra DLC in their glorious perfect IV*, battle-ready builds to complete your Pokédex. Choose shiny (star shiny, square shiny) or non-shiny and customize them to have your Original Trainer (OT) name.
- Base Pokémon are in Level 5 with 0 EVs in all stat, so you can build and train them however you want
- Mid-evolution Pokémon are at Level 99 with 0 EVs in all stat, so you only need one more leveling up for them to be maxed level
- Final evolutions are at Level 100, fully trained EVs (510) so you can use them in battles anytime you want
- All Dynamax level maxed out (10)
This bundle includes the following 133 Pokémon:
Generation I Origin
#029 - Nidoran♀
#030 - Nidorina
#031 - Nidoqueen
#032 - Nidoran♂
#033 - Nidorino
#034 - Nidoking
#041 - Zubat
#042 - Golbat
#124 - Jynx
#125 - Electabuzz
#126 - Magmar
#138 - Omanyte
#139 - Omastar
#140 - Kabuto
#141 - Kabutops
#142 - Aerodactyl
#144 - Articuno
#144 - Articuno (Galarian)
#145 - Zapdos
#145 - Zapdos (Galarian)
#146 - Moltres
#146 - Moltres (Galarian)
#147 - Dratini
#148 - Dragonair
#149 - Dragonite
Generation II Origin
#169 - Crobat
#199 - Slowking (Galarian)
#238 - Smoochum
#239 - Elekid
#240 - Magby
#243 - Raikou
#244 - Entei
#245 - Suicune
#249 - Lugia
#250 - Ho-Oh
Generation III Origin
#252 - Treecko
#253 - Grovyle
#254 - Sceptile
#255 - Torchic
#256 - Combusken
#257 - Blaziken
#258 - Mudkip
#259 - Marshtomp
#260 - Swampert
#304 - Aron
#305 - Lairon
#306 - Aggron
#333 - Swablu
#334 - Altaria
#345 - Lileep
#346 - Cradily
#347 - Anorith
#348 - Armaldo
#359 - Absol
#363 - Spheal
#364 - Sealeo
#365 - Walrein
#369 - Relicant
#371 - Bagon
#372 - Shelgon
#373 - Salamence
#374 - Beldum
#375 - Metang
#376 - Metagross
#377 - Regirock
#378 - Regice
#379 - Registeel
#380 - Latias
#381 - Latios
#382 - Kyogre
#383 - Groudon
#384 - Rayquaza
Generation IV Origin
#442 - Spiritomb
#443 - Gible
#444 - Gabite
#445 - Garchomp
#466 - Electivire
#467 - Magmortar
#480 - Uxie
#481 - Mesprit
#482 - Azelf
#483 - Dialga
#484 - Palkia
#485 - Heatran
#486 - Regigigas
#487 - Giratina (Altered)
#487 - Giratina (Origin)
#488 - Cresselia
Generation V Origin
#494 - Victini
#531 - Audino
#564 - Tirtouga
#565 - Carracosta
#566 - Archen
#567 - Archeops
#615 - Cryogonal
#641 - Tornadus (Incarnate)
#641 - Tornadus (Therian)
#642 - Thundurus (Incarnate)
#642 - Thundurus (Therian)
#643 - Landorus (Incarnate)
#643 - Landorus (Therian)
#649 - Genesect
Generation VI Origin
#696 - Tyrunt
#697 - Tyrantrum
#698 - Amaura
#699 - Aurorus
#703 - Carbink
#716 - Xerneas
#717 - Yveltal
#718 - Zygarde (10%)
#718 - Zygarde (50%-C)
#719 - Diancie
#721 - Volcanion
Generation VII Origin
#785 - Tapu Koko
#786 - Tapu Lele
#787 - Tapu Bulu
#788 - Tapu Fini
#793 - Nihilego
#794 - Buzzwole
#795 - Pheromosa
#796 - Xurkitree
#797 - Celesteela
#798 - Kartana
#799 - Guzzlord
#803 - Poipole
#804 - Naganadel
#805 - Stakataka
#806 - Blacephalon
Generation VIII Origin
#894 - Regieleki
#895 - Regidrago
#896 - Glastrier
#897 - Spectrier
#898 - Calyrex
Important Notes:
- This bundle includes the new and returning Pokémon recently made available in Sword and Shield via The Crown Tundra DLC release.
- This bundle does not include Pokémon that were already available in the Galar Region prior to release of The Crown Tundra DLC.
- In case of shiny version (star shiny, square shiny), shiny-locked Pokémon (Calyrex, Glastrier, Spectrier) will be in their non-shiny version, as we want to keep all the Pokémon as legal as possible.
- *Some Pokémon may only have 5 perfect IVs to make way for special builds, such as 0 IV for Speed for Trick Room
If you ordered for shiny pack (star shiny, square shiny), some returning Pokémon that are shiny-locked in Sword and Shield will be coming from previous generations, most of them from event distributions. If they happen to be event Pokémon, their OT cannot be altered.
POKEMON HOME DELIVERYThis is the faster version of delivering all the Pokémon included in this bundle. In this method, we need that you trust us with the process of transferring the mons to your HOME account. STEPS
You must have a Premium Plan on your Pokémon Home for this service to work. |
POKEMON LINK TRADE DELIVERYIf you can't trust us your Pokémon HOME account, we can deliver all the mons to you via this method. However, this will take so much time as we need to trade the Pokémon included in this listing one by one through traditional in-game trading, hence the much higher price because of the time consumption. |