Delay Compromise

Pokéfella aims to deliver orders in the shortest time possible. If our genners failed to deliver your order within the 12-hour period after sending your payment for the order, you are entitled to free custom Pokémon of your choice* according to this matrix:

Delay of Delivery (after 12 hours)  Number of free custom Pokémon*
1 minute - 4 hours 1
4 hours 1 min - 8 hours 2
8 hours 1 min - 12 hours  3
12 hours 1 min - 16 hours  4
16 hours 1 min - 20 hours  5
20 hours 1 min - 24 hours 6

 Please note that this compromise does not include delay due to the customer's non-availability to trade.

*Only details in Showdown format shall be processed for the free Pokémon.