Ultra Shiny Kyogre & Groudon • OT: ウルトラ • ID No. 180113 • Japan 2018 Event

Ultra Shiny Kyogre & Groudon
OT: ウルトラ • ID No. 180113
These shiny Kyogre and Groudon were distributed by way of a serial code given away at participating stores in Japan (ÆON, ÆON SUPERCENTER, ÆON STYLE, AEON Retail Stores, Ito-Yokado, EDION, Geo, Joshin Denki, TSUTAYA, Tay Two, Toys "R" Us, Nojima, Bic Camera, Kojima, Sofmap, Futaba Tosho, Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Camera, WonderGOO, Pokémon Store, and Pokémon Center) from January 13 to March 5, 2018. The codes to obtain these Pokémon were valid from January 13 to March 19, 2018.
A purchase of Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon at the participating stores or by showing the title screen of Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon is needed for players to receive a serial code (one code for each copy of Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon purchased or for each title screen they show). Players could also purchase Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon from online retailers Amazon.co.jp and Rakuten books to receive a serial code.
- Level 60
- Shiny - Random Nature - Random IVs
- Original event moves (PP non-maxed)
- Your choice for Level, IVs, EVs, Nature, Moves, Nickname, etc. (changing the OT may render any event Pokemon illegal)
✅ Pokémon legality checked
✅ admissible in online battles
✅ tradable online via Link Trade (event Pokémon can't be traded through GTS and Wonder Trade)
✅ can be deposited in Pokébank
The Pokémon in this listing is/are receivable in the following game versions:
✔️Gen VII: Pokémon Sun & Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
✔️later versions
The seller aims to deliver order/s within 24 hours (depending on the buyer's availability).
- As soon as you clicked purchase, please send a message using either the Contact Us or Message Us application, or via the Note to Seller upon checkout, with the following details:
- Friend Code:
- IGN (in-game name):
- Game version:
- Add my friend code to your friend list at once: 3669-2285-6375, IGN: Pokefella.co
- You can also contact me in Facebook for faster transaction.
Buy these now and be the best Pokémon trainer like no one ever was!!!