Zenryoku Manaphy, Meloetta, Hoopa • OT: ゼンリョク• ID No. 171201 • Pokémon Scraps Campaign 2017 Japan Event

Pokémon Scrap 2017
Zenryoku Manaphy, Meloetta & Hoopa
OT: ゼンリョク • ID No. 171201
These Pokémon were distributed to Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Sun, and Moon players via serial codes obtained by registering the code from the "Ultra! Full Force! Let's Get Mythical Pokémon Campaign" onto the official site. Pokémon Scraps could be found in participating Pokémon merchandise beginning December 1, 2017. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from that date to April 30, 2018.
The serial code received depended on the number of codes entered:
The serial code received depended on the number of codes entered:
- one Pokémon Scrap = Manaphy code
- three = Nugget code
- five = Big Mushroom code
- seven = Meloetta code
- 10 = Rare Bone code
- 13 = Pearl String code
- 16 = Hoopa code
- 20 Pokémon Scraps = Relic Gold code.